What ages does Dr. Hernández specialize in?

Dr. Hernández specializes in working with children ages 1-10.

Does Dr. Hernández offer assessment or evaluation services?

No, Dr. Hernández does not currently offer assessment and evaluation services.

Who is expected to attend appointments?

Active parent participation is critical throughout the therapy process. Parents are closely supported through learning how to manage problem behaviors while their child develops, practices, and masters new skills.

Does Dr. Hernández see kids in person?

No. All services are provided via telehealth. No differences in treatment outcomes have been observed through provision of service through telehealth. If families are cautious to participate in therapy electronically, they are encouraged to reach out and talk with Dr. Hernández directly.

How many sessions can I expect to attend?

Treatment is uniquely designed for each child and family's individual needs. Though length of treatment can vary widely, treatment is designed to be short-term. Dr. Hernández works with each family to develop concrete goals and data monitoring procedures to inform treatment.

How much does an appointment cost?

For more specific information regarding rates, families are encouraged to contact Dr. Hernández directly.

Are treatment services covered by my insurance?

For all insurances, detailed receipts of service can be provided upon request for families to submit independently for reimbursement. Out-of-network reimbursement coverage for is dependent on each family's individual plan. All families are encouraged to call their insurance provider directly to confirm in-network status.

How do I get started?

Families can get started by sending inquiries and contact information using the survey located on the Get Started page. Families can expect a response within 48 business hours, excluding weekends and holidays.

Does Dr. Hernández offer group therapy?

No, Dr. Hernández does not currently offer group therapy at this time.