As a nationally certified school psychologist, Dr. Hernández understands the intricacies involved in promoting academic, social, and emotional gains for all students.

Dr. Hernández offers professional development workshops to help school personnel better understand and respond to students’ needs and create a safe and nurturing school environment.

Trainings are geared towards general and special education teachers, as well as paraprofessional support and administrative staff. With a strong focus on teamwork and accountability, workshops also incorporate bigger-picture concepts such as educational requirements and home-school communication strategies.

Professional development workshops offered can be customized for any school’s needs. Past workshops have included such topics as:

  • Student Engagement Toolbox: Tips for Maintaining Student Engagement

  • The ABCs of Behavior: An Introduction to Behavior Classroom Management

  • Preventing Disruptive Behavior: Antecedent Behavior Management Strategies for All Classrooms

  • Supportive Family-Teacher Relationships: Strategies for Effective Home-School Communication